The story of this serial revolves around a woman called Chandramukhi. Chalapathi Raju, who has acted as an assistant to the villain in this serial, has become a busy actor after this serial.īefore this, he was only doing stage acting. Jika perangkat Android Anda tidak ada dalam daftar ini, silahkan download aplikasi android gratis dari Google Play untuk memeriksa apakah Anda akan dapat menikmati siaran TV dengan Android TV. Air DTV Tidak jauh dengan kedua aplikasi tv offline diatas, Air DTV juga dapat menerima siaran tv dengan baik. Tentu anda perlu mempersiapkan alatnya yakni sebuah tv tuner untuk dihubungkan ke ponsel dan sekaligus menerima siaran televisi ditempat anda. Manjula, Preeti Nigam, Nirupam, Ashmita, Naveen, Srivani, Chalapathiraju etc. The screenplay of this serial is written by Undavalli Satyam. And Kola Nageshwar Rao and produced by and Shobhu Yarlagadda.
This serial is a remake of ETV Marathi’s super hit serial 'KATA RUTE KUNALA'.Ĭhandramukhi serial was directed by Y.S. It has successfully completed its 1850th (final) episode on 7th April, 2013. Cast overview: Mamik Sachin Khurana Vindu Dara Singh Raja Chaudhary Vikramjeet Virk See full cast ».Ĭhandramukhi was a super hit serial which was telecasted on ETV at 8:00 pm from Monday to Saturday.